Influencers Spread Misleading Information
People follow individuals on social media that they might look up to. As humans we naturally seek out other people with similarities of our own. We naturally want to feel support and connected to people and resources and this comes from social networks and social capital. There are opinion leaders in networks. They are people in your network that you go to in regard to a certain topic of interest and they might know the best advice or connections that they might bring you. This in turn brings this opinion leader influence. The higher influence you have, the higher social capital you have and connection with certain groups of people.
An influencer has influence over others’ buying decisions, eating plans, exercise plans, etc.
Influencers are supposed to be people we look up to and go for advice to, yet they are feeding us lies in order to buy products. They also recommend “diet” plans or exercise routines which can lead to bad body image problems, health issues, and mental health problems.
Natacha Oceane is an influencer herself, but she is a Biophysicist and backs all the information she puts out by science. She strives to not mislead people and curate content that is informative and positive. There are other influencers like Natacha but others spread misleading information. People on social platform are not certified trainers or nutritionist yet they tell people what they should eat or do in order to “lose fat” or look a certain way.
Empowered and strong women are important but in all shapes and sizes.
Why has society suddenly set the expectations to look a certain way?
This is what leads to body image issues and eating disorders.
Experts say that Instagram’s typical fitness images — which primarily glorify thin, toned bodies — are often unhelpful and possibly harmful.
Health related social content can impact viewers’ dispositions about weight
There are certain pros and cons to social media influencers, especlially health and fitness influencers. In conclusion it is best to do your own research before believing others on social media. Educating yourself on nutrition, health, and wellness are important. If you do follow influencer for advise, make sure they truly reputable and are feeding you healthy and science/nutrition based information.
Most importantly…